E-Portfolio by Teoh Jin Wen
Social Innovation Project
(Group) This project lasted 3 months, during which we worked with a local NGO called the My Shining Star Foundation to tackle the issue of underprivileged teenagers in the Klang Valley facing difficulty pursuing their education.
Miro Board
This Miro board is where we would discuss our ideas and plan out our course of action. We discussed various organizations we could contact, what questions we would ask in an interview with them, potential solutions, schedules for our prototyping and testing of the product etc. It would also be for the miscellaneous gathering of information to help organize our thoughts.
Concept Proposal - Empathy, Define, Ideation
We conducted two interviews, one with said organisation, and one with students currently under the care of care homes that are working with them. As we understood our audience better and the current resources they had, we were able to propose an educational and communicative website pertaining to their emotional needs
FeltStar Website
This is the prototype website we developed. It serves as an educational game hub that uses gamification to teach youth about emotional health, provide educational tools, and career guidance. It also provides a means of contact with the My Shining Star foundation for any who are interested to volunteer or offer help to their cause of providing educational opportunities to children.